Meet WEPOWER’s Fall Cohort of Biz Owners!

Meet WEPOWER’s Fall Cohort of Biz Owners!

We are SO HAPPY to share that we have welcomed our fourth cohort of amazing Black and Latinx to the WEPOWER family! Take time to get to know each company and checkout their products, services, and ven...

St. Louis County Council Votes to Allocate $5.6 Million in ARPA Funds to Improve Local Early Childhood Education

St. Louis County Council Votes to Allocate $5.6 Million in ARPA Funds to Improve Local Early Childhood Education

Protecting STL Children

Protecting STL Children

WEPOWER Announces First Investment in St. Louis Startup, Bold Xchange

WEPOWER Announces First Investment in St. Louis Startup, Bold Xchange

Bold Xchange, curator of corporate gifts from Black-owned brands, receives the first investment from WEPOWER’s new fund, whose goal is to accelerate community owned wealth and create economic growth...

For Us, By Us, with Love

For Us, By Us, with Love

We can't wait for anybody else to liberate us. We are the ones with that power when we get organized. We are the ones that are in charge of creating a different future, and we can lead this charge for...

We Have More Power Than We Recognize

We Have More Power Than We Recognize

I don’t have to be an ‘expert’ to speak up and have something valuable to say; my lived experiences and desires for the world I want to live in justify my speaking up.

You Have a Future in This: How vision can help build a village

You Have a Future in This: How vision can help build a village

There’s a particular type of inheritance from being a person of color in North St. Louis and other places like this. But we’ve got to learn to bury that inheritance and create a new one together: ...

Keeping Kids at the Center

Keeping Kids at the Center

Quality, affordable ECE is deeply important for our hard-working families and the futures of our incredible children, and it will be more supported in the region when we are more united.

Meet + Support The Spring 2022 Cohort of WEPOWER Biz Accelerator!

Meet + Support The Spring 2022 Cohort of WEPOWER Biz Accelerator!

WEPOWER is beyond thrilled to welcome our third ever cohort of the Accelerator, our accelerator for Black and Latinx-owned companies.

A “One-Of-A-Kind” Team: An Interview with WEPOWER’s Community Wealth Building Team

A “One-Of-A-Kind” Team: An Interview with WEPOWER’s Community Wealth Building Team

WEPOWER’s Community Wealth Building team came together with interviewer Whitney Bembenek to share about their backgrounds, personal visions, superpowers, and the meaning of their work.